The Draconic Wizard Workshop

Welcome! We are the Draconic Wizard Workshop, an alterhuman system of over 40 members. Here, you can find our collective writings and introductions.

The Draconic Wizard Workshop has over 40 members, primarily fictives or other alterhumans. We are predominantly queer and will take no shit from anybody on that or any other topic. We are, however, always happy to talk or answer questions about anything relating to ourselves or our identities-- just shoot us a message or ask on tumblr, email us at Goratrix's email, or message us on Discord--we're Tanadin there.

Below, you'll find a list of the members of the DWW with some information on us. We try to keep this updated, but sometimes, life gets in the way and we may forget. Please be patient, and if you notice anything terribly out of date, feel free to drop us a message somewhere and we'll get it fixed up as soon as we can. Headmates are listed roughly in order of discovery (NOT arrival) and therefore may appear to be listed semi-randomly.

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Abraham Lincoln?"

Sibling of best friend when asked what Tanix is without his sarcasm


I'm Tanix, the first host of the DWW! I do most of the writing and communicating for the system. I'm an aspiring author and graduated college with a major in Creative Writing and a minor in Anthropology. I have a hearthome in the Digimon setting and, in addition to being dragonkin, I am also dragonhearted, with the Netherwing dragons in World of Warcraft. I tend to be the main one talking and reblogging on our main tumblr over at tanix-dragon (hence the name). If you contact us without specifying who you're looking for, you'll usually get me or one of the other hosts. I'm pan and polyamorous as hell, but also on that ace spec.

A digital drawing of a dark blue dragon with red stripes in profile grinning at the viewer.

art by the DWW

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Stop scuttling around in the vents!"

Kyir, system administrator

"Can you please stop blurring with me?"

Anadox or Troile, unclear (blur incident)


Hey there! I'm Research, and I'm our main programming and math guy. I did a lot of the work on the website and I handle a lot of the technical side of things for the DWW. I'm a pretty chatty guy, although we have a hard time noticing when I'm fronting since I blur with Tanix so much. I'm fictionkind, with Gordon Freeman from Half-Life, and have some some writing about that. I don't know how long I've been in the system for, but it's a long time--but where I came from, I don't know! Basically everyone in here is a fictive or an ex-fragment of the original, but I'm something totally different, so I'm a mystery.

An orange lambda symbol inside of an orange circle, reminiscent of the one from Half-Life.

Half-Life Lambda symbol

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"[redacted extremely horny statement]"

Vanessa, girlfriend


Aegis is our first and original protector, split off from our original self and now latching onto a couple of fictional characters to fill in "gaps" in her identity after she spent quite a bit of time as a fragment rather than a full person. She answers not only to the name "Aegis" but also "Axia Giovanni" and "Sarah Kerrigan." Her identity is complicated and we're still trying to figure her out--she may be a subsystem, or have two fictotypes, or be a fictive of two characters, or something else entirely.

A digital drawing of a pale woman with glowing eyes and fangs. She wears a low-cut black dress and gloves longer than her elbows.
   She wears a necklace with a dragon, the symbol of the koldunic sorcerers from Vampire: the Masquerade. She stands in front of a fiery glowing background. A screenshot of a cinematic from Starcraft II, depicting Sarah Kerrigan, a woman with glowing eyes and multiple bug features.

art comissioned by the DWW from PopiellART | screenshot from StarCraft 2

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

None yet!


Null is our primary trauma holder and is the only member in the system not considered to be an adult. You will probably never speak to Null--this isn't personal, she's just delicate and we do what we can to shield her from anything too upsetting. She likes playing video games and going to the zoo.

A digital drawing of a vague red silhouette of a winged demon in front of a gray background.

art by the DWW

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"I'm not getting involved in your weird frog-murder worm-sex fantasy."

Caspian, headmate and professional party pooper

"Sure hope this doesn't awaken anything in me."

Tanix, about to play a transgender TTRPG character for the first time

Valence Talin Piceno

Valence is one of our main socializers. He loves talking to people and hanging out. He's an artist, although he struggles since he lost his skill in the transfer over to being a fictive. He's trans and married to a member of one of our partner systems. Class-wise, Valence is a rogue, paladin, and gunslinger, and accidentally became a count. He didn't mean to, honest.

A low-detail digital drawing of a red tiefling man with fluffy hair, short horns, and a little smile with a single fang poking out of his mouth.

art drawn for the DWW by the Enterprise system

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Why do you only wear the douchebag shades when you're making fun of me?"

Tanix, innocent host

"Significant bother."

Jase, spouse

Kyir Duru Lu'ann

Kyir is probably our strangest member. He seems to have powers beyond the rest of us, has control over who gets in/forms in the system, and has a better understanding of how the system works than everyone else. She's been around for a lot longer than any of us realize, and we may never know all of her jobs. They mean well, though, and they do a lot for the system, even if they don't front much.

A digital drawing of a pale individual with short, spiky black hair. He has a blue eye and a red eye with a scar across it, as well as a small scar on this throat.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

None yet!

Caspian Ciana

Caspian is our sleepiest and hardest-to-contact headmate. He tends to communicate in emotions or emojis unless he's unusually awake, and even those times tend to be brief. He likes the outdoors, specifically water, and enjoys splashing in streams and swimming more than anything. Class-wise, he's a bard and personally a pacifist, meaning he won't hurt things himself but is fine empowering his allies to do it. It's more of a personal thing rather than an ideological one.

A digital drawing of a pale half-elf facing the camera and smiling. He has blond hair and kind green eyes. He wears a teal vest and a blue cloak.

art commissioned by the DWW from tackytacs

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Best voice at Othercon, other than Orion Scribner."

At least 20 Othercon attendees in 2022 and 2023


Chaiya (boyfriend), horrified to learn that someone was befriending him (before becoming his boyfriend)

"Like the Phantom of the Opera, except I am literally just hanging out and I don't know what his deal is."

Sascha Vykos, headmate, who has never done Anything Wrong Ever

"I didn't mean for him to be funny."

Tanix, system host, current partner, and guy who ran Goratrix as an NPC in a TTRPG

"You seem like a nice guy once you forget about your street cred."

RC, freshly minted headmate

"You're seconds away from sweeping Chaiya into your cloak at all times."

Kimera, completely correct Treehouse member

Goratrix bani Tremere

Greetings. I am Goratrix, our co-host. I am in the front the majority of the time and am usually readily accessible. I do the most writing and community work for the DWW in alterhuman spaces, run the Fictionkind Dreamwidth, and have my own blog over at goratrix-betrayed on Tumblr. I am the member of the DWW that has hosted panels at Othercon, and if you attended Othercon 2022 or 2023, chances are that you saw me there. Despite my abrasive exterior, I am actually quite willing to talk and am happy to discuss anything if need be. I am also open about having Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and am an aggressive advocate of destigmatizing it. Additionally, I am a dragon in an archetypal way, so you may consider me dragonkin if you would like. I am married to Tremere (see several headmates down) and we have a son together, Grimgoth (see even more headmates down). I am also in a relationship of a sort with Tanix (do not ask me to define it) and am in a relationship with Chaiya in the Treehouse system.

A digital drawing of a pale vampire with long brown hair facing the viewer. He wears a gray vest and a long black cloak with white runes around the edges. 
   His eyes are wide and his teeth are bared. He looks intent on something unseen.

art comissioned by the DWW from SubliminalCircles

Japheth Cappadocius

Japheth is one of our stranger vampires, since he doesn't original from AVP. Instead, he comes from a pre-written adventure module that we ran, and we accidentally took him home. He was very melancholy for awhile, but is beginning to come around to socializing and getting to know people. He's Jewish, although he had a stint with Catholicism in the middle that he'd like to forget, please.

A digital drawing of a brown-skinned man with long, tangled black hair. He wears a brown robe and gazes at the viewer with tired eyes. He holds a lantern staff.

art comissioned by the DWW from SubliminalCircles

Popel Úlovek

Popel is a scientist of magic. His source is a modern-day Pathfinder-esque setting where he majored in planar studies with a focus on demonology. As a result, he's very interested in how magic works in all kinds of settings and worlds, and tends to front whenever we're trying to solve a magic-based problem in a game. He's also kind of prickly due to insane amounts of exotrauma, so if he's kind of mean, don't take it personally--he's doing his best.

A digital drawing of a green tiefling in profile, facing to the right. He has long horns with gold jewelry, black hair pulled into a ponytail, and a blue headband.
    He wears a black and blue coat. He scowls at something offscreen.

art drawn for the DWW by tackytacs


Beckett is probably a familiar face to most people familiar with VTM, even just the Bloodlines video game. He's exactly who you think he is in that case, and he acts just about the same, too. For everyone else: Beckett is a scholar (although he hates the title), anthropologist, and archaeologist, trying to uncover the truth of the source of vampirism. Here, he mostly just shows up to be snarky and sarcastic.

A comic panel of Beckett, a pale-skinned man, in the dark. He faces the viewer and looks over his sunglasses with a smug grin. He wears a hat and a coat with a collar.

official art provided by White Wolf

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Googoo gaga bitch. [Yeets slushie at P2]"

Cassandra, cruel and evil sister

Percival "P2" de Rolo

Meet P2, one of our other most likely headmates for your average passerby to know on sight. He's traumatized, kind of an anime boy, definitely kind of edgy, but ultimately doing his best. He doesn't front for much but he's learning how to make friends... slowly. Just be kind with him and recognize that he's been marinating in his exotrauma for some time now.

A screenshot from The Legend of Vox Machina depicting Percy, a man wearing a plague doctor's mask. He stands in the dark, behind bars, gazing at the viewer.

screenshot of The Legend of Vox Machina


Serinoth is a juvenile gold dragon, son of one of the most important gold dragons in his setting, and he kind of hates it. He'd much rather just stay at home and do engineering, inventing devices and helping to make people's lives easier. Out here, he's doing his best to make friends and manage his mental health. He's dating Anadoxion (he's a ways down) and always does best cofronting with him.

A digital drawing of a gold dragon wearing sunglasses, looking up towards the top of the image. Several sparkles surround his face.

art done for the DWW by SubliminalCircles

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"[Goratrix] went and got him from the tall charming tool store (affectionate)"

Chaiya, husband's boyfriend

"Like a firework that can talk and fuck."

Niko, host of the Treehouse System

"I see that your love is conditional!"

Raphyel, disgruntled headmate after Tremere left the front once the cheese was gone

"Is he any good?"

Kenaddel, headmate doubtful of abilities


Hey, I'm Tremere! Yes, for those familiar, that Tremere, the founder and Antediluvian of Clan Tremere. For the rest of you, don't worry, what you need to know is that I'm a (now-retired) old as hell vampire with a great personality and a sense of humor. I love meeting and talking to new people, and I'm married to the system's co-host, Goratrix. I'm also very proud of our son, Grimgoth, who is less enthused about the whole thing. I have NPD, so I ask that you don't be a dick about that, and if you are, to leave us alone. I'm pretty friendly to people who aren't a dick about that, though, so swing by and make friends!

Digital art of a very pale man facing the camera and grinning ferociously. He has short black hair and wears a red vest and a red cape.

art comissioned by the DWW from SubliminalCircles

Roger de Camden

Roger de Camden is one half of the Skull Scholars subsystem, which he is in with Lazarus. This subsystem is somewhat mutually exclusive, in that only one of them can front it at a time and therefore usually only one can be spoken to at a time. de Camden (don't call him Roger unless you're mad or sleeping with him) is a self-described "autism poster boy" and has a special interest in death and funerary practices. He would love to talk about bodies and death with you if that's your thing.

official art provided by White Wolf

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Lazarus THE BIBLE?!"

Seven, friend of the system

"Like a tall entity of chaos and ambition that lives in your basement."

Japheth, older brother

Lazarus Cappadocius

Lazarus is the other half of the Skull Scholars subsystem. He's less active than de Camden, to the point where we didn't notice him for several months after his formation. He's less interested in death (although he still finds it interesting) and is still figuring out what he wants to do here, since back in-source he was trying to become a god and he doesn't feel like that's really going to pan out now.

art comissioned by the DWW from SubliminalCircles

Psius Dramikan

Psius is the host, or primary fronter, of the Flux subsystem, which is a subsystem of about 6 that, true to its name, is typically in flux. Tracking fronts in Flux can be hard, but unless otherwise specified, Psius is usually there. He's calm and in control most of the time, and keeps the rest of Flux from getting out of hand or falling into a chaos spiral. Cirros (see below) is his real human grandsone and vampiric childe. Despite their pronouns, Psius is agender, as well as aromantic and asexual--the postman just lost the whole delivery on the way to Psius' house, metaphorically speaking.

art comissioned by the DWW from the Enterprise system

Cirros Dramikan

Cirros is Flux's protector, and is a frequent fronter of Flux for that reason. He's usually pretty friendly and quick-witted, although he can be a bit sharp at times. He's Psius' grandson and vampiric childe, although they've been estranged for some time. They're making up now, though. He's in a relationship with Chaiya from the Treehouse system, which is not as uncommon of a trait in the DWW as you might think. Chaiya's just a fun and fantastic guy and you should definitely get to know him.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Uldrak Illian

Uldrak is a friend-turned-enemy-turned-kind-of-friend of Psius'. He's interested in human anatomy, biology, and fungi, and has a particular fixation on mushrooms in particular. He mostly fronts to get excited about mushrooms. Back in-source, he was a Cardinal of the Sabbat and is well over 600 years old, but most of that isn't as relevant now. No politics, only mushrooms.

art commissioned by the DWW from PopiellART

Sascha Vykos

Sascha is a frequent fronter and our biggest menace and memelord. They type like a teenager in the mid-2000s and generally like making every situation about 30% less coherant. They're also the Angel of Caine and the head torturer of the faction they were in, so, you know, get you a girl who can do both. They're married to Ilias and engaged to a member of one of our partner systems, Chaiya. Sascha has also declared themself the "Queen of Autism," so, make of that what you will.

official art provided by White Wolf

Ilias cel Frumos

Ilias is one of our less talkative members, although he's often watching whatever Flux--specifically his husband, Sascha--is up to. He used to be a sex priest of a fertility god, so he's a little NSFW at the best of times. As a result, he doesn't talk externally much. Still, Ilias is a lot of fun once you get to know him.

art comissioned by the DWW from SubliminalCircles


The final member of Flux, Troile is the Brujah Antediluvian and an all-around delight. He likes playing fast-paced games and winning, but he also likes a good nerdy or philosophical discussion. It's hard to tell what mood you're going to get him in, but he's usually pretty fun--if you're respectful, anyway. He doesn't suffer fools. He used to be the Scholar-King of Carthage, but he's not generally very pretentious about it. His husband is Moloch, who is kind of a demon vampire, but it's fine.

art comissioned by the DWW from SubliminalCircles


Khouru is not interested in sharing information about himself publically at this time. He's only listed here for completeness' sake.

art by the DWW


Emerald is a median subsystem between an emerald dragon, the Orchestrator, and his half-elf alter ego, Governor Talitus Verner. They don't get along as well as you might imagine and very rarely show themselves, nevermind front. They're not very interested in being talked about publically.

art done for the DWW by tackytacs | art by the DWW


Keladarn is a bit of a complicated story. For those who know his source, he's the Tzimisce Antediluvian, but a past version of him, brought forward from a time before Vicissitude. Additionally, he was a dragon before his Embrace rather than a human. He finds this all very difficult to live with, but he manages it. For everyone else: this is Autistic Dad Supreme and he will adopt you. Please do not resist.

created in this picrew

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Raphyel, you have issues too, but, like, different ones from everyone else."

Flux, supportive...? headmate(s)?

"Xe wouldn't even have to ask me [to throw bricks with xem], I'd already be there throwing."

Ace, member of the Treehouse system

"The pinnacle of badass."

Chaiya, best friend in the Treehouse

"Raphyel, you wouldn't know subtlety if it got you off (positive)."

Tremere, nervous-at-the-time headmate desperate to make friends

"I'd sit down next to you on the bus. The coolest queers on the late Leo bus."

Niko, Treehouse member, whose birthday is 3 days after Raphyel's

"You'll adopt anything and I do love it for you."

Rani, immediately after Raphyel adopted Aurelius as a new friend

Raphyel Snyder

Raphyel is one of our main protectors, one of our primary fronters, and our main cook. Xe handles a lot of shit we can't handle otherwise, while jamming out to xyr playlist (oftentimes without us noticing that xe changed the tunes). Xe's vital to our day-to-day functioning and we wouldn't get far without xem. Xe's pretty friendly and extremely queer, and runs xyr own tumblr blog over at unlikely-archangel.

art commissioned by the DWW from nerime on tumblr

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Lemme get my own proxy or Grimgoth might get accused of Liking His Parents, which is apparently not allowed."

RC, brand new headmate


Grimgoth is the host of the Orion subsystem, a subsystem of four that is fairly stable but only occasionally seen. He's the most frequently seen of the subsystem, usually accompanied by Therimna. His parents are Tremere and Goratrix, although he has a rocky relationship with both. He describes himself as having "every mental illness, including some new ones." He can be a bit standoffish and pissy, but he is genuinely trying.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Absolute mental powerhouse."

Tanix, system host

Raha "Therimna" Al-Khaldi

Therimna is Orion's protector and most frequently fronts alongside Grimgoth. Tey's an alchemist, and as a result is a bit out of work in this world. Usually tey fronts for certain tabletop sessions or to work on playlists.

created in this picrew

Dr. Benjamin Tanji

Dr. Tanji is an infrequent fronter and a "rogue biologist," who does science-based magic to reprogram genetics on the fly. Or, at least, she used to, and now she doesn't do much of anything and is trying to figure out what to do. We're considering reinstalling Spore.

created in this picrew

Fun Facts

Public Opinions


Null, excited for another she/her in the system

Rani Ranfeld

Rani is our quick-witted, quick-tongued, snarky little raven who loves shiny things and knowledge, and would love to know whatever knowledge tidbits you have. She's chatty and cheerful and a bit of a thief, but we keep her in check.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal) (not to be confused with Rani (DWW), who the art is of)


Back in-source, Mithras is one of the most feared vampires in the world. He rules London and wields the power of the sun, and his reputation proceeds him more than nearly any other Prince. As a result, he's kind of mad about being here. He's hard to get to front, but when he does, he usually fixates on strategy games where he can crush opponents with his superior tactics. He's, um, kind of a lot, and he likes it that way.

official art provided by White Wolf


We... don't really know what Spades is. We think that she's a fictive of a fallen angel/human-type OC of ours... maybe? Her gender is different as is half of her vibe, but she's still best friends with Kyir, so there's really no telling. We don't see her much, but she's a feral delight when she shows up.

created in this picrew

Ace Santos

Ace is our backup co-host, meaning that if anything ever happened to Tanix and Goratrix, they would step up as co-host with their husband, Lochlan, as host. They're fairly quiet, but have huge mom energy, and really treat their friends like family and do their best to make sure that everyone is being treated well and fairly. They're polite and friendly and I really recommend befriending them if you see them.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Lochlan Sharp-Santos

Lochlan is our backup host, and would step up alongside Ace if anything ever happened to Tanix and Goratrix. He fronts less than Ace but is more obvious when he does, talking to people, being a bit of a trickster, and telling ridiculous jokes. He's a lot of fun and I really recommend talking to him. He's married to Ace and wants you to know it.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"One of Goratrix's little sluts."

Cirros, intoxicated headmate

Zakarith Caldwell

Like Lochlan, Zakarith is a bit of a menace (affectionate) and trickster; unlike Lochlan, Zakarith is otherkind and makes that everyone's problem. It's a tiny fluffy raptor and loves to sit on people's heads and make bird jokes at every opportunity.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"He's a terrible gossip."

Kenaddel, headmate and fellow Antediluvian

"0/10 would not diablerize Saulot again."

Tremere, diablerist

"He's the most fuckable Antediluvian!"

Tanix, forgetting about Tremere and Arikel

"You're a shithead, sir."

Arikel, sister


Saulot is a member of the Temperance subsystem, a subsystem of three Antediluvians that all front simultaniously and do not have the abiltiy to stop fronting the subsystem. He's a calm counselor type, a great guy to go to in a crisis or to get advice from. He can mediate most situations and is usually pretty happy to help. For those familiar with his source, this makes sense, since he's the Salubri Antediluvian.

art commissioned by the DWW from SubliminalCircles

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Hits me too hard."

Saulot, brother

"Kind of scary but the only woman I've ever been into."

Cirros, scared and horny headmate

"She scares me."

Tremere, brother's diablerist

"In her defense, you know what you did."

Vanessa, to Tremere


Arikel is the Toreador Antediluvian and, back in her source, the most beautiful person in the world. However, she doesn't let that get to her head, and is actually a pretty encouraging person--once you get past her temper. She's nice, we promise, she's just easily riled up. She's a warrior first, an archivist second, an art enjoyer third, and a beautiful woman fourth.

art by the DWW

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"He's having an overwhelming and extremely homosexual day."

Tanix, system host, with an evergreen statement

"Kenaddel's violent tendencies are sweet but kind of weird ngl"

Vyanderoth, boyfriend of boyfriend

"Kenaddel, you can be a hater."

Tytalus, headmate that opposes Kenaddel's affronted "Do I look like a hater?"

"Kenaddel just got his house arrest anklet removed and is about to make it everyone's problem."

Treehouse system, in regards to Kenaddel being able to go places in-source all of a sudden after not being able to for thousands of years


Kenaddel is the Ravnos Antediluvian and the final member of the Temperance subsystem. He's quieter than the others and far less social, preferring to think about his own things rather than sit with other fronters and help out with tasks. Despite that, he's friendly enough if you can get him to talk.

art made for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"I would live and die for her, actually."

Valence, brother


Sascha, stoked headmate upon seeing her for the first time


Caluna is a raptor that gained full sentience through magic, and then became part-fiend and part-void through more magic. We don't see her a whole lot, but we love when she does, because she's a bundle of love and enthusiasm and energy. She's Valence's adopted sister and loves him more than anything. She TYPES IN ALL CAPS and doesn't usually use proper grammar, but that's okay, because she nor anyone else needs to.

art done for the DWW by Silverwing

Anadoxion Prestor

Anadox is one of the "beachgoers," a name we gave to the second sidesystem that showed up with the beach. He's a young black dragon, a son of Onyxia, and a long-standing soldier of the Alliance. He's masqueraded as a human for the majority of his life and has a bit of trouble with his species identity because of it, but he's slowly figuring it out. He seems cool as a cucumber most of the time, but is actually extremely stressed all the time. He's Serinoth's boyfriend and keeps him calm. Following the Great Beach Takeover of 2024, he became one of the DWW's hosts.

art by the DWW

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Khadgar, you're everything to us.

Treehouse system after ae said something oblivions

"Sleeps like shit."

Varian, exhausted headmate


Khadgar was, for the first year and a half, a quieter fictive, having never talked that much. During the Great Beach Takeover of 2024, however, ae stepped up to front for the longest any DWW member has ever logged fronting in order to sit down and re-evaluate aer life and approach to existence in a system. At the end, ae accidentally ended up as a co-host for the system alongside Goratrix. It enjoys reading, playing games of logic and wit, telling dad jokes, and drinking tea and wine and eating fun cheeses. It's also a powerful mage, but that's a lot less relevant now that it's in a system. You'll almost never see Khadgar without Medivh right behind him, and definitely good luck finding Medivh without Khadgar.

official art provided by Blizzard

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

None yet!

Varian Wrynn

Varian is probably our most powerful protector other than Mithras in that he can kick people out of the front more easily than the others, and can do so in order to stop panic attacks. He's also one of the biggest dads in a system full of dads, and will adopt any sad-looking teenager or young twenty-something in his general vicinity if you let him. He served as High King of the Alliance and now likes to play games and eat cheese.

official art provided by Blizzard

Francisco Domingo de Polonia

Polonia once served as one of the terrifying Cardinals of the Sabbat, wreathed in darkness and not caring about the lives of people around him. Now he's figured out that he did that because he was depressed and filled with self-loathing and dysphoria, and is now trying to explore her gender in the safer circumstances of the system. She's a little angsty but trying to figure out how to live in this strange new situation.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Thomas Carolina

Carolina (please call him Carolina!) is one of an absolute ton of vampire wizards in this system. Just... so many. He differentiates himself from the others by being a history lover, with a focus mostly in vampiric history, so he gets along well with Beckett and would love to talk about it. Please talk to him about it. He'll be soooo normal, he promises.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)


Moloch doesn't talk much. He's one of the original Baali Methuselahs--which basically means "he got turned into a demon vampire and is kind of mad about it." In-source, he spent his time fighting other Baali and trying to prevent the end of the world, but here he mostly just likes to sit silently and watch what's going on around him.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)


Tytalus is Tremere's (slightly) older brother and a fellow founder of the Order of Hermes, although he started House Tytalus rather than House Tremere. They maybe got lost in the fey realm for a few hundred years that one time, but, well, who doesn't? He was eventually rescued and now, unrelatedly, resides in the DWW, throwing acorns at Tremere's head and keeping the Simulacrum subsystem in some level of order.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Blame the Carrier

We found Blame after he successfully hid from us for about eight years, and found that he's the most powerful of everyone in the system. Forget Kyir's admin powers; Blame can put them to shame. Not that he does much overt; he's our "maintenance guy," doing behind-the-scenes maintenance and work to keep the system going. Kyir apparently let him in ages ago ("hired him") to help out, and he's been doing so, hidden, quiet, and thankless for all of this time. We really appreciate it, but what the hell. He's good at repairing "damage" to headmates and maintaining processes in the system that we can barely understand, nevermind describe. Blame and Kyir understand more of our inner workings than the rest, and we're happy to leave it that way. Blame himself can be kind of abrasive and weird, but he's secretly a nice guy.

art done for the DWW by Splinter


Caleb is.... we don't know why Caleb is here. He's an undead cultist gunslinger from the 1840s / a 90s DOS FPS game, and we really don't know why he's here or what he's doing. He doesn't show up much but when he does, it's usually when we're playing some violent video game and he wants more blood. He says some weird stuff sometimes and is still not really sure how to settle in or talk to people, but he's slowly figuring it out.

Official art by Monolith Productions

Vyanderoth Skyweld

Vyanderoth is a low-energy very stressed dad of a wizard who is doing his best at all times. He likes planning things out, scripting social encounters, and keeping his friends out of trouble. He rolled up as a protector kind of out of nowhere and we're grateful for it. He can be a little cranky but only when set off--most of the time, he's a delight and just wants to talk about magic.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"Unfortunately, he was born to solve and forced to socialize."

Troile, headmate

Aurelius Lamont

Aurelius is cursed with both a short fuse and being a little shy. He's at his best when he's working on a thorny problem and isn't being forced to interact with anyone--that's not because he doesn't like people, it's because he's genuinely unsure how to interact with them and almost always guesses wrong. He's very son-shaped and has been loosely adopted by nearly every dad in the DWW (quickly becoming the Dad Wizard Workshop at this rate) as well as Raphyel.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Kasey Dalton

Just call him Dalton--dropping a "Kasey" on him is a surefire way to get a weird look. Dalton's a cyborg who grew up in a bit of a cult of an anti-supernatural technofascist organization, but he's doing a lot better now and is figuring out that maybe that kind of thinking isn't so good. He's a big dad (no surprise in this system) and, while quiet, is around a lot, keeping an eye on things and taking the world in. He didn't mean to become a dragon, honest.

created in this picrew

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None yet!

The Unnamed

The Unnamed is an odd one. One of the original Baali along with Moloch, xyt's kind of weirdly at piece with the whole "got turned into a demon vampire" thing. He's pretty chill and mostly just likes watching things, hanging out, and shouting advice. He's a bit of a part-time snake but that's probably fine.

art is a combination of multiple VTM symbols present in Vampire: the Masquerade canon

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None yet!


Sincapell is Moloch's childe, one of the Molochim and originally from Carthage some two and a half thousand years ago. It served as a High Lord and the Head Archivist of the Molochim, and then went into torpor for 2000 years. It woke up in the modern day in source very confused, and while it's figuring it out now, it's still pretty befuddled by the modern world. It loves books, flowers, and living life, but is also a little stressed because it wants to save the world and kind of... can't, anymore. It's making it work, though, and is trying to find things to enjoy.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

"What's wrong with you, other than the obvious?"

Khadgar, exasperated partner


Medivh arrived during the Great Beach Takeover of 2024, as we call it, as an invisible raven we called "the football" until he agreed to identify himself. He's since made himself at home as a loveable pest, problem-solver, and lonely extrovert. Despite his best efforts, he wants to talk to people and make friends and is probably one of your best bets to talk to. Don't mind his... questionable history... because he's mostly put that behind him now. Except for turning people into sheep. He's not stopping that.

official art provided by Blizzard

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None yet!

Anduin Wrynn

Anduin arrived days after Medivh did, and we aren't entirely sure what to make of where she's from. He's Dragonprince of Stormwind, which is... almost right... for canon... except for the "dragon" part. He comes from a world where DTR-style dragons (ie Dalton) are present on Azeroth, which makes things pretty significantly different. He's still adjusting to seeing people he knows but not the versions he's familiar with, but he's taking it in stride and generally having a good time. She's friendly and keeps trying to help out with whatever she feels she can weigh in on.

screenshot in World of Warcraft of a dracthyr version of him

Fun Facts

Public Opinions

None yet!

Prima Chromatath

Prima is Khadgar and Medivh's adopted daughter. She's considered both young and an adult at once because dragon aging is weird and she has time powers--as she's a chromatic dragon, she has the powers of all five main kinds of dragons in her universe. She's very proud of this and tries very hard not to let it affect how she talks to people. She's usually polite, if blunt, and likes talking to people and hanging out. She likes to garden and enjoys talking about magic.

art done for the DWW by Rani (a-dragons-journal)