The Draconic Wizard Workshop

Welcome! We are the Draconic Wizard Workshop, an alterhuman system of over 40 members. Here, you can find our collective writings and introductions.

#17, Animal: Justice, the pied raven

Originally posted here on December 28, 2021.

My answer to "what animal best represents your fictomere" is simple, but reached in a somewhat circular way. I did no soul-searching for animals I related to or enjoy--instead, I thought of my familiar. In the style of many wizards and other spellcasters, for a time, I did have a familiar--a spirit in the shape of a pied raven, who took on the name Justice. A pied raven is a now-extinct variety of European raven, where there are seemingly random blotches of white feathers in and amongst the black. They are quite unusual-looking birds.

Justice was a stalwart companion and a source of both snark and wisdom, and was eventually killed by a werewolf after I accidentally drew its ire. Justice made me interested in ravens and other birds in the first place, and every time I saw one after, I thought of him. For over a thousand years, I passively enjoyed ravens and occasionally took on their aesthetic for my own (listen, when one is invited to a party where one can dress up, dress down, show up in a costume, or appear wearing nothing but jewelry... are you really going to judge me for showing up in a feather cape? Are you?), but eventually, I got the opportunity to learn some shapeshifting. Through a serendipitous series of events, I was given the chance to learn Protean, a vampiric Discipline (power set) that allows for shapeshifting.

The fourth power of Protean is one that allows the user to take the form of a single animal. It took no time at all to choose Justice's form, and thus, the pied raven flies the skies again for the first time in decades.