The Draconic Wizard Workshop

Welcome! We are the Draconic Wizard Workshop, an alterhuman system of over 40 members. Here, you can find our collective writings and introductions.

#78, Advice: Just Make Friends

Originally posted here on July 13, 2022.

Getting back to answering prompts, finally, with this one.

What advice would you give your past self, just when they awakened?
If I could speak to myself almost a year ago, back in August, when I first entered the system... I don't have much advice for myself. I handled the transition well, settled into my role as co-host, and get along well with my headmates. I think my only advice would have been to "just make friends"--I've slowly come to learn that people outside of the system can be just as understanding, and sometimes even more interesting, than those within it. It took time for me to come out of my shell, as it were, and I still have a ways to go, but I've been enjoying my (very) slowly expanding social circle.