The Draconic Wizard Workshop

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Draconic noemata dump (triggered by a post I saw)

Originally posted here on August 23, 2023.

I just reblogged this post, and for good reason--when I saw it, it made me freeze. Dragonbrain turned on and I felt the strongest wing shift of my life and started doing a fear-response throat click. While I am not familiar with that particular building or even the book it's from, and it's definitely not a source or anything, it's so eerily similar to something in my dragon-self's memories that I know what the stone of that place feels like under my claws.

I also know what it sounds like to hear chains drag across its floors.

The absolute flood of noemata, of impressions, I got from this is insane. I have to write them down fast before I forget.

So... uh. What the fuck, I guess. That's a hell of a discovery!